My mind has proposed me, in the middle of the night, the following proposition: "What purpose does the human serve?".
I couldn't help but to put my thoughts into paper. Usually, I don't share these writings because of the less "artistical" content, but I thought it'd be a shame not to share this one.
Here's my proposition: On the human purpose.
1. What purpose does the human being serve? Wouldn't this very phrase be an indispensable question for any philosopher? - This phrase torments the night of any blessed human being capable of reason, but here we need to propose a provocation to the thousands of thinkers who have walked the earth. This question, even before it leaves the mind of the thinker, is biased. Firstly, in order to clarify the meaning of the word, the phrase itself defines the meaning of purpose as a plan, objective, goal to be achieved, etc. And we can already assume that "purpose" is nothing more than a historical predicate, which changes from time to time, but which, despite this or that, does not cease to exist as a product of human historical need and will. To ask "What purpose does the human serve?" is therefore to ask "what purpose did the historical human serve and what purpose will the future historical human actually serve?". To simplify this proposition, we can therefore say that the primary purpose of humans is to satisfy their corresponding needs. This purpose is found in every animal being, and in humans it is no different; it is something intrinsic to the nature of every being. Therefore, the answer to this question, which is so resplendent that it can blind anyone with its boldness, lies in the question itself: What need does the human need to satisfy at that historical moment and what are the activities that, when put into practice by this human, conceive of what satisfies their needs and which, soon after, will produce new needs - which, consequently, produce new determined "purposes" that humans will serve and, soon, achieve.
This has been Meuny.
i felt like i read a huge philosopher's article
I wrote a couple more pages on this proposition but I thought only the first part made any sense. I guess I'm not ready yet to proclaim myself as a philosopher.